"The soul imprisoned in the corruptible body"
This speaks in many ways toward the gift of free-will. Every decision we make is faced with a choice. Is it not true that this so called "choice" has a small voice in our heads telling us whether or not it will truly be making the best version out of or selves? Although choices can be much more difficult to make than others, somewhere along the lines our heart can guide it with the help of faith. Dante felt great pain from his beloved beatrice when she passed away and from then on out felt his feet were stuck in cement; or so much is soul imprisoned in a body only capable of corruption.
Art is much like making a choice, we have no knowledge as to why our paint brush is directing that way but our heart subconsciously guides it. The thought process is incomprehensible; what makes human an individual but simultaneously connected.
In parallel, when reading a book our mind creates these inconceivable images of the humans we are reading about. If a digital film arises before the the reader is able to read the book, the characters will already have a set face and descriptive form about them. Our mental cinema is the catalyst of the things we dream, paint, and express. Without it we would be no different than a simple computing machine.
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